Hi guys, wow has time been flying by!
Kern County Fair starts this week, I'm sure everyone is excited and maybe a little nervous, anxious, or overwhelmed.
I wanted to talk about some strategies to help you relax and focus so you can enjoy the fair and truly sit back and appreciate all the hard work you have put in to get here.
I wanted to talk about some strategies to help you relax and focus so you can enjoy the fair and truly sit back and appreciate all the hard work you have put in to get here.
When I was younger there were a lot of times I really let my nerves get the best of me. When that happened I wasn't able to get the most out of myself and the experience, because I wasn't thinking clearly and my body was in shear panic mode. Now I don't know about you, but that really used to irritate me! I mean I worked so hard to get there and put in so many hours practicing, feeding, cleaning, and exercising, I wanted the most out of my experience!
So lets get down to how you can prevent anxiety, most of your nervousness, and get your focus on!
First breathing is so important. When our breathing shortens and gets faster our body thinks its in flight or fight mode. Now our bodies do not recognize whether we are running from a bear or just going in the ring to show an animal, but wow is there a big difference. So if we can control our breathing by taking a deep breath in through our nose counting 5 seconds, and hold in 1 second, then let out the breath through the mouth slowly counting to 10 it relaxes our bodies. By allowing oxygen to flow to all parts of the body, slowing the heart rate and allowing our minds to settle so we can focus on the task at hand. Do this a good 10 times whenever you start to feel, anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. I would definitely recommend practicing this several times a day over the next few days.
Another way to relax is to sit quietly and as you are taking your deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouths, and start visualizing whatever it is you want to happen. Every detail from where you walk into the ring to who will be next to, to how you will show your animal, to what eye contact you will make with the judge, to what ribbon you want to get. The more detail of what you want to happen and how you will do it,, the better.. If you practice this, you will feel more confident and your mind and body will start working with you to achieve your desires... By the way you can use these tools in anything you do in life. Jordan and I started practicing these strategies and amazing things started happening!
Another thing is be grateful for what you have and what you have achieved. If we are not happy with what we have, it is nearly impossible to ever be happy because we will always be thinking about what we wish we had. Being grateful allows us to be happy in the moment so when we do achieve or get what we desire, we can be satisfied and appreciative for more than a day.
I wish everyone the best experience at Kern County Fair, and any other fair, show, activity, job, adventure you will be engaging in! Remember to breath and visualize the outcome! Trust me it makes a huge difference!
"Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
-Lydia M. Child
-Lydia M. Child
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
"In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time."
-Anthony J. D'Angelo
-Anthony J. D'Angelo
"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."
"Most people give up just when they're about to
achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the
last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown."
-Ross Perot
-Ross Perot
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
-John Wooden
-John Wooden
With Love,
For everyone that has earned purple using Earn Purple products, please send us your pictures and comments to earnpurpleinc@gmail.com or post to the Earn Purple Inc. Facebook Page, Thank you!
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The problem of life is to change worry into thinking and anxiety into creative action.. Harold B. Walker