Tuesday, June 18, 2013

INTENTNESS-John R. Wooden's Pyramid of Success #9


Today is block #9 of John R. Wooden's Pyramid of Success!
Intentness is something we are BIG on at Earn Purple.

"The fourth block in the second tier of the Pyramid of Success is Intentness. It is as important as any single block in the entire Pyramid.

I coud say Intentness means determination; I could say it means persistence; I could say it means tenacity or perseverance

I will say it is the ability to resist temptation and stay the course, to concentrate on your objective with determination and resolve. Impatience is wanting to much too soon. Intentness doesn't involve wanting something. It involves doing something often for a very long time. 

The road to real achievement is usually bumpy and long, but you do not give up. You may have setbacks. You may have to start over. You may have to change your method. You may have to go around, or over, or under. You may have to back up and get another start. But you do not quit. You stay the course. To do that, you must have Intentness. 

Here's a little example of what I mean. In 1948, I began coaching basketball at UCLA. Each hour of practice we worked very hard. Each day we worked very hard. Each week we worked very hard. Each season we worked very hard. However, a national championship was won in the fifteenth year. Another in the sixteenth. And eight more in the following years. 

Be Persistent. Be Determined. Be tenacious. Be completely determined to reach your goal. That's Intentness. If you stay intent and your ability warrants it, you will eventually reach the top of the mountain. "

-John R. Wooden

We do this every single day. Each day is not easy, and we work our butt's off. But it's all worth it. When you have a purpose and you are passionate about your goals and dreams, life helps you.  You find energy you never knew you had, you find creativity you never could have dreamed of; you find that when you are on the verge of quitting, some breakthrough happens. Don't ever ever give up on your goals and dreams. Yes, they come with extreme hard work and sacrifice, but its all worth it! We believe in you.

With Love, 

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